
Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
Heather Christie, writer
Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
Heather Christie grew up in rural Pennsylvania and, at age seventeen, took off for NYC in hopes of becoming a movie star. Flash forward several decades… a couple degrees (including a MFA in Creative Writing), a bunch of cats, two kids and one husband later, she’s back in Pennsylvania. Heather is a wife, mom, amateur cook, exercise freak, and avid reader. When she’s not doing all that, she’ selling houses, writing books and blogging at www.HeatherChristieBooks.com. Kirkus Reviews calls Heather’s debut novel, What The Valley Knows, “A taut, compelling family tale.” Her work has been published by Writer’s Digest, Scary Mommy, Elephant Journal, Mamapedia,The Good Men Project, Grown & Flown, Baltimore Child, Parent.co, Bon Bon Break, Her View From Home, the Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop, Sammichs and Psych Meds, and The Lighter Side of Real Estate. Heather was a member of the 2017 Listen To Your Mother cast. Say “hello” on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Follow her at www.HeatherChristieBooks.com

Friday Jan 26, 2018
The Transformational Jennie Washburn V.2018.1
Friday Jan 26, 2018
Friday Jan 26, 2018
Jennie Washburn & Talk With ME host Marcia Epstein share their conversation about Art & Mental Health, Life & Death, Making Decisions Wisely, with, yes, Laughter! Jennie has a wide range of expertise and experience, and is committed to ongoing learning, personal growth, kindness, and fun! She is a licensed esthetician, the co-host with Nan Loyd-Leffingwell of Soul Salon, and the host of The Goddess Within women’s circle in Lawrence, KS www.facebook.com/The-Goddess-Within-252751568549725/ Host ME is an advocate for all the arts & a mental health social worker, https://MarciaEpstein.biz

Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
Samantha Slupski, Poet
Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
Samantha Slupski is a poet and mental health advocate based in the heart of the Midwest. She first stepped on stage in December 2015 at Uptown Arts Bar in Kansas City, Missouri, and stage has been her home ever since. She currently serves as the Executive Director of Poetic Underground, Slam Master of Kansas City Poetry Slam, co-director of Chameleon Arts, a board member for Fountainverse, the Kansas City Small Press Poetry Fest, an ARTS KC grant recipient, and was voted the 2nd best spoken word artist in The Pitch’s Best of 2017. She has been published in multiple online publications, her poetry has been featured on Write About Now Youtube channel, and her first book, “What Sits Between my Veins” was published a year ago through EMP Press. She has been a competitor at Texas Grand Slam 2017 and 2018, attended the 2017 National Poetry Slam, and is attending the Women on the World Poetry Slam in March of 2018. Her Spring 2018 tour starts in March 2018, which spans over seven different cities. She sees the importance of poetry and the beautiful spaces it creates and has dedicated her life to making poetry important for everyone.
Follow Samantha Slupski at http://www.samanthaslupskipoetry.com/

Friday Jan 12, 2018
Mish (Eileen) Murphy, Writer-VisualArtist-Professor
Friday Jan 12, 2018
Friday Jan 12, 2018
Mish (Eileen) Murphy lives with her husband and three dogs near Tampa, Florida. She takes photos & creates photo arts; writes poetry & book reviews; and teaches literature and English at Polk State College, Lakeland, Florida. Mish graduated with a B.A. from New College, Sarasota, in French and Russian. She has a J.D. degree summa cum laude from Stetson University College of Law, Gulfport, Florida. And her M.A. is in Fiction Writing/Teaching of Writing from Columbia College, Chicago. Her recent book reviews are published in Cultural Weekly, BLARB, Tinderbox Journal, Glass, Crab Fat, and Rain Taxi. Find her reviews for Cultural Weekly at https://www.culturalweekly.com/author/eileen_murphy/ Her poetry has been widely published in literary journals including, recently, in Rogue Agent, Tinderbox Journal (nominated for Pushcart Prize), Thirteen Myna Birds, Writing In A Woman’s Voice, Deaf Poet’s Society, The American Journal of Poetry, The Thought Erotic, Yes Poetry, The Open Mouse, and a number of others. Eileen Murphy’s photography has been published in journals such as Peacock Journal, Tiferet Journal, The Indian River Review, and Calyx Journal, and shown in galleries in Florida and New Mexico.
Follow Mish (Eileen) Murphy at https://MishMurphy.com for her blogs about her latest poems, articles, reviews, and photos.

Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
Joseph Shields, Poet-Publisher-Musician
Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
Joseph Shields was born outside Milwaukee, graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and later from Loyola University of Chicago. He spent two and a half years in the Peace Corps in Jamaica from 1990-1992 before relocating to Austin, Texas with his wife (also a former PC volunteer). His poems have appeared in a number of different poetry magazines, including Slipstream, Sheila-Na-Gig, Pearl, Chiron Review, among others, and he has a few of chapbooks in print (Wisconsin Daze, No Escape and Other Poems, and W9GRF and the Dance that Never Ends). In spring 1996, Joseph founded Nerve Cowboy Magazine, with a kindred spirit, Jerry Hagins, and 22 years later we are getting ready to release Issue 44. He plays in a band called The Counterfactual, along with three other social scientists (as this is what we do for day jobs). Being involved in art, poetry, and music makes the day job a bit easier to manage.
Counterfactual audio can be heard on Soundcloud or Bandcamp here:
Full set of audio on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/counterfactualatx
A subset of songs are on Bandcamp: http://counterfactual.bandcamp.com
Nerve Cowboy info at: https://www.facebook.com/Nerve-Cowboy-240567569317649/

Wednesday Jan 03, 2018
John Yamrus, Poet & More, V2018.01
Wednesday Jan 03, 2018
Wednesday Jan 03, 2018
Since 1970 John Yamrus has published 26 volumes of poetry, 2 novels and one volume of non-fiction. He has also had nearly 2,000 poems published in print magazines around the world. Selections of his poetry have been translated into several languages, including Spanish, Swedish, French, Japanese, Italian, Romanian, Albanian, Estonian and Bengali. His poetry is regularly taught in colleges and universities. His newest book, MEMORY LANE, a memoir looking back at his childhood growing up in a Pennsylvania coal mining community, is already a highly-praised addition to his published work. Buy MEMORY LANE and more at Epic Rites Press, www.EpicRites.org
Follow John Yamrus at www.JohnYamrus.com

Friday Dec 22, 2017
2017 Season Finale: ME & The Transformational Jennie Washburn
Friday Dec 22, 2017
Friday Dec 22, 2017
Jennie Washburn & Talk With ME host Marcia Epstein share their conversation about Gratitude, Planning Goodness, Female Impersonators, the Intersection of Art & Mental Health, Connections, Intentions for 2018, & Love. Jennie is a Licensed Esthetician who hosts The Goddess Within women’s circle in Lawrence, KS www.facebook.com/The-Goddess-Within-252751568549725/ Jennie also enjoys being onstage, including as a two-time contestant in Transformations, a charity gala. Host ME is a social worker specializing in suicide prevention, as well as support for trans and gender nonconforming people. Learn more at https://MarciaEpstein.biz

Tuesday Dec 12, 2017
James Decay, Poet
Tuesday Dec 12, 2017
Tuesday Dec 12, 2017
James grew up in Sweetwater, Illinois. He left home at the age of 13 and quickly learned how to survive on the streets under the guidance of thieves, prostitutes, junkies, con men, drug dealers, murderers and other characters. At the age of 14, he began hopping freight trains across the United States, Canada and Mexico. Soon after he joined a gang and began walking the circle of the revolving door we call the system. It was there he was introduced to literature and poetry by his cell mate who also encouraged him to start writing. Upon his release, six years ago, he began to take writing seriously. He attended open mic’s and met other like minded individuals who shared his passion for the written word. His work can be found online and in print in such places as The blood machine, gutter eloquence, five 2 one, Midnight Lane Gallery, Spokane shorties, Railtown Almanac and most recently Brenton Booth’s Asylum Floor. James also has a chapbook “A city under siege” which is no longer in print. If you would like to contact James Decay, you can do so via Facebook.

Monday Dec 11, 2017
Johnny Longfellow, Poet-Editor
Monday Dec 11, 2017
Monday Dec 11, 2017
Johnny Longfellow is the editor of the online poetry sites, BAD ACID LABORATORIES, INC, https://badacidlaboratories.wordpress.com/ and Midnight Lane Boutique https://midnightlanegalleryii.wordpress.com/. His own poetry has appeared in a variety of small press journals, including The Barefoot Muse, The Blue Mountain Review, The Five Two, The Literary Hatchet, The Road Not Taken, The Rotary Dial, and other venues. For over twenty years he has served as a mentor to Newburyport, MA high school students through the Poetry Soup reading program, and has also been a featured poet at The Newburyport Literary Festival, The Powow River Poets’ Reading Series, and The Hyla Brook Poets’ Reading Series, as held at the Robert Frost Farm in Derry, NH.
You can find links to some of his published poetry at Heeeeeere’s Johnny . . . Longfellow, That Is https://midnightlanegalleryii.wordpress.com/heeeeeeres-johnny-longfellow-that-is/ and follow him on Twitter @BAD_ACID_LABS.

Monday Dec 04, 2017
Julie Struck, Artist-Activist-Educator
Monday Dec 04, 2017
Monday Dec 04, 2017
Julie is a mixed media artist, creative writer, creative activist and veteran arts educator based near Berea, KY. She has decades of experience teaching college level studio art and graphic design, as well as many local, regional and national exhibitions to her credit. She earned BFA and MFA degrees in traditional studio art at Northern Illinois University, but her professional and creative work has always touched upon and explored anything that illustrates her interest in dissolving boundaries and celebrating connections between art and other disciplines. In 2013 her career path changed dramatically when she became a teaching artist, bringing visual art as an engagement and empowerment tool to marginalized individuals including elders, at-risk youth and the homeless via innovative, collaborative, economic empowerment and public art projects that build awareness of and connections between the under-served and their communities. In September 2017, Julie was instrumental in EKU’s Art Vention community art project for healing for people affected by suicide.
Follow Julie Struck at www.facebook.com/ArtSpeakArtForEmpowerment & http://WarriorWoman-Productions.com

Friday Dec 01, 2017
Rob Plath, Poet-Painter-Photographer
Friday Dec 01, 2017
Friday Dec 01, 2017
Rob Plath has saturated the underground literary.scene with his writing for the past 25 years. He is the author of A Bellyful of Anarchy, There’s A Fist Dunked In Blood Beating In My Chest, Death Is Dead, Hearts For Brains, An Ax For The Frozen Sea, The Skeleton Sutras & In Rot We Trust, Swallowtude & many more. Find much Rob Plath writing thanks to Wolfgang Carstens of Epic Rites Press, and much powerful illustration of Rob’s words thanks to Janne Karlsson of Svensk Apache. Rob continues his literary onslaught with his forthcoming monster poetry collection My Soul Is A Broken Down Valise due out in 2018. Follow Rob Plath at www.RobPlath.com & www.facebook.com/rob.plath.54 & Twitter @rob_plath

Thursday Nov 30, 2017
Trina Schartz, Motivator & Writer
Thursday Nov 30, 2017
Thursday Nov 30, 2017
Trina is a Certified Yoga instructor, Lifestyle Coach, Sign Language Interpreter, Motivational Speaker, Workshop Leader and Author. In 2010, she started her coaching business: Your Life in Balance. She coaches individuals to live fully awake, aware, and alive using an integrative practice of mindfulness. And, she’s thrilled to announce that her first book, “When The Shoe Doesn’t Fit.” is scheduled for release as e-book in December 2017, in print January 2018.
Follow Trina @TrinaSchartzWhenTheShoeDoesntFit on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram

Tuesday Nov 14, 2017
Tim Burns, Actor
Tuesday Nov 14, 2017
Tuesday Nov 14, 2017
Timothy Burns moved to Lawrence, KS two years ago after earning a bachelor’s degree from Kansas Wesleyan University in both Theatre and Communications. Tim quickly became very active in the area arts community, including several productions at Theatre Lawrence, most recently Rocky Horror. He spends most of his time in the performance space of The Guild Theatre doing Improv and parody scripted readings. He was also a part of Michael Dieker’s play RUN which premiered in July 2017 and has acted in several KU student film projects. He is currently endeavoring to bring shows in the style of old time radio drama to the Lawrence community. Follow Tim at The Guild Theater – Lawrence, KS www.facebook.com/LawrenceGuildTheater/ and LFK Radio Hour https://www.facebook.com/LFK-Radio-Hour-1077050472397608/

Tuesday Nov 14, 2017
J.J. Campbell, Poet
Tuesday Nov 14, 2017
Tuesday Nov 14, 2017
J.J. (1976 – ?) has given up the farm life and is currently trapped in the suburbia of Brookville, Ohio. He’s been widely published over the last 22 years, most recently at The Commonline Journal, Misfit Magazine, Horror Sleaze Trash, In Between Hangovers and The Beatnik Cowboy. J.J.’s first full length collection of his poems, Sofisticated White Trash, was published by Interior Noise Press and is available wherever people buy books anymore. You can find J.J. most days on his highly entertaining blog, evil delights at http://evildelights.blogspot.com

Friday Nov 10, 2017
Megan Burns, Poet
Friday Nov 10, 2017
Friday Nov 10, 2017
Megan is the publisher at Trembling Pillow Press (tremblingpillowpress.com). She also hosts the Blood Jet Poetry Reading Series in New Orleans and is the co-founder of the New Orleans Poetry Festival (nolapoetry.com). She has been most recently published in Jacket Magazine, Callaloo, New Laurel Review, Trickhouse, and the Big Bridge New Orleans Anthology. Her poetry and prose reviews have been published in Tarpaulin Sky, Gently Read Lit, Big Bridge, and Rain Taxi. She has three books: Memorial + Sight Lines (2008), Sound and Basin (2013) and Commitment (2015) published by Lavender Ink. She has two recent chapbooks: Dollbaby (Horseless Press, 2013) and i always wanted to start over (Nous-Zot Press, 2014). Horse Less Press released her Twin Peaks chap, Sleepwalk With Me, in 2016. Her fourth collection, BASIC PROGRAMMING, will be released by Lavender Ink in 2018.

Friday Nov 10, 2017
Joan Koromante, Poet
Friday Nov 10, 2017
Friday Nov 10, 2017
Joan lives in Topeka, KS where she works as a social worker. She has been a featured poet for the monthly Speak Easy Open Mic in Topeka and at readings at the Raven Book Store in Lawrence. She has appeared as an open mic participant at Prospero’s Books in Kansas City and has been a featured poet at the annual Kansas City Poetry Throwdown since its inception. Joan is the author of two chapbooks “This Must Be Jazz” and “Musings in Feminine Blue.” Her poetry collection “Murmurs from Beneath the Merry-Go-Round,” was just released by Spartan Press, book #34 in the Prospero’s POP POETRY Series. Currently, she is working on a manuscript for Asinimali Publications to be released in December 2017.

Monday Nov 06, 2017
Jim McCrary, Poet-Connector-Curator
Monday Nov 06, 2017
Monday Nov 06, 2017
Jim is a national Poetic-Treasure. He is a writer, a veteran, and a community-activist, based in Lawrence, Kansas since the 1960’s. His friends, colleagues, and influencers include Allen Ginsberg and William S. Burroughs, as well as poets across the USA through the decades. Jim is the author of many poetry books & chapbooks including the recent: A Yearbook 1941-2016 (Shirt Pocket Press, 2016); This Here (theenk Books, 2015); and All That: The Collected Chapbooks (ManyPenny Press, 2008). His poetry has also been published in so many print and online journals based in the USA and beyond. Jim has been contributing editor to several journals over the years including Grist, Loose Gravel, Avec, and First Intensity. He edited and published a zine called Smelt Money thru thirteen issues in the 1990’s. He has curated or co-hosted several reading series in Lawrence starting at the Mass St. Co-op, circa 1968; the first poetry open mic-slam’s in Lawrence, KS at The Flamingo (strip club) in the early 1990’s; and the on-going Taproom Poetry Series. Jim is currently helping KU’s Spencer Research Library build their collection on the history of poetry in this region. Follow Jim McCrary wherever you can!

Monday Nov 06, 2017
The Transformational Jennie Washburn V.2017.11
Monday Nov 06, 2017
Monday Nov 06, 2017
Each month, Jennie joins Talk With ME host, Marcia Epstein, for real life conversation. Our 11/3 conversation included: Art, Firsts, Vulnerability, Suicide, Grief, Self Care, FINE. Jennie is a Licensed Esthetician & hosts The Goddess Within (women’s circle in Lawrence, KS www.facebook.com/The-Goddess-Within-252751568549725/ Jennie also enjoys being onstage, including as a two-time contestant in Transformations, a charity gala. Find Jennie on Facebook & at https://skincarebyjennie.net

Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Will Staple, Poet
Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Will lives in a kerosene-lit cabin, miles off any paved road, in the northern California foothills. He grew up in Oakland under the shadow of the Beats and attended UC Berkeley during the Free Speech Movement. From 1970 to 1995 Will published over 200 poems infused with the Grand Canyon and mountain forests on the sassy, sexy side of spirituality, filled with a sly humor, condensed form, depth of content, detailing the culture that left the cities in the 1970’s for a more archaic path with a heart. His books include: Passes for Human, Coyote Run, I Hate the Men You Sleep With, The Only Way to Reduce Crime Is to Make Fewer Acts Illegal, Dr. Montoya’s Medicine and The One That Got Away (Six Ft. Swells Press, 2008). He also performs regularly in Europe, where his work is published by http://Engstler-Verlat.de/ His latest collection (in English) is Arrows Go Thru Hearts: Selected Poems: 1970-1995 (Six Ft. Swells Press, 2017).

Thursday Oct 26, 2017
James H. Duncan
Thursday Oct 26, 2017
Thursday Oct 26, 2017
James H. Duncan is a writer of poems, stories, and more, and is the editor of Hobo Camp Review, https://hobocampreview.blogspot.com/ He is the co-host of the Troy Poetry Mission monthly reading series. His newest poetry collection, We Are All Terminal But This Exit Is Mine, is available from Unknown Press, starting Halloween 2017. Earlier books by James have been published by Epic Rites Press, Hobo Camp Press, and Maverick Duck Press. His work has appeared in Writer’s Digest, Pulp Modern, American Artist, Full of Crow, Drunk Monkeys, and other publications. James currently resides in upstate New York. For more about James H Duncan and his books, visit www.jameshduncan.com

Monday Oct 23, 2017
Janne Karlsson, Artist-Writer-Publisher
Monday Oct 23, 2017
Monday Oct 23, 2017
Janne is an insanely productive artist/writer/publisher residing in Linköping, Sweden. Over the years, his often bizarre and surreal work has been published in hundreds of publications around the world. His many books (including collaborations) are available here and there. He is also publisher at the artisanal press Svensk Apache. When he´s not busy trying to live off his art, he also teaches and works odd hours in the psychiatric health care section. Janne has 2 sons aged 20 and 17 and next year will see the wedding between him and his beloved Mikaela.
Follow Janne Karlsson and Svensk Apache at www.svenskapache.se & www.nouw.com/svenskapache

Friday Oct 20, 2017
Brenton Booth, Writer
Friday Oct 20, 2017
Friday Oct 20, 2017
Brenton is a writer of poetry, short stories, novellas, and plays. Home is Sydney, Australia, where he wrestles blue pens and notepads, not crocodiles. Brenton started writing when he was 19 and began sending the literary journals when he was 24. After nearly 10 years of rejections he had his first poem published. Since then he has been published in over 100 international journals and anthologies including 3AM Magazine, Chiron Review, Epic Rites Press, Pski’s Porch, Van Goghs Ear and Nerve Cowboy. He is the author of the full length poetry collection “Punching the Teeth from the Sky” and the chapbook “Drowned as the Fish” which is part of Epic Rites Press “Punk Chapbook Series 2017”. He recently took part in a 550 page anthology celebrating the life of Vincent Van Gogh “Resurrection of a Sunflower” from Pski’s Porch and is editor of the upcoming literary journal “The Asylum Floor” which will feature the work of Wolfgang Carstens, James Decay, Matt Borczon, Catfish McDaris and Janne Karlsson in its inaugural issue.
Follow Brenton Booth at https://brentonbooth.weebly.com/

Thursday Oct 19, 2017
Brandon Eisman / Deja Brooks
Thursday Oct 19, 2017
Thursday Oct 19, 2017
Brandon has been performing, and competing in, the art of drag since 2004. And he has a passion for building an accepting and caring community, starting with his home-base of Lawrence, KS. Brandon created the fabulous event, Transformations, where community members coached by female impersonators, compete pageant-style as their most beautiful diva selves to raise awareness and funds for local service organizations. #BringOnTheMen is one theme of the 7th annual Transformations which features 10 male competitors.
As a female impersonator, Brandon becomes the beautiful-in-all-the-ways Deja Brooks and is in demand as a special host for fundraising events, story hour for children at the public library, as well as cabaret-style events.
Follow Brandon & Deja at www.facebook.com/Deja-Brooks-443916735641817 and www.TransformationsLawrence.com

Tuesday Oct 17, 2017
Nino Cipri, Writer
Tuesday Oct 17, 2017
Tuesday Oct 17, 2017
Nino is a queer and nonbinary/transgender writer. A multidisciplinary artist, Nino has written fiction, essays, plays, screenplays, comics, radio features, and many rabble-rousing emails. They have also performed as a dancer, actor, and puppeteer. Their work has appeared or is forthcoming in Nightmare Magazine, Tor.com,Cicada, Fireside Fiction, Liminal Stories, and other fine venues. One time, an angry person on the internet called Nino a verbal terrorist, which was pretty cool. You can find them online at ninocipri.com

Friday Oct 13, 2017
Wolfgang Carstens with Todd Cirillo, Poets & Publishers
Friday Oct 13, 2017
Friday Oct 13, 2017
Wolfgang Carstens is a Poet, Host of Poets Underground, and Publisher at Epic Rites Press. He is: Crudely Mistaken For Life (2010), The Abyss Gazes Also (2013), Factory Reject (2014), Only The Dead (2015), Enjoy Oblivion (2015), Rented Mule (2015), Savage Love (2016), Trash and ash (2016), Bulletproof (2017), Raising The Dead (2017), and now, Hell and High Water, from Six Ft. Swells Press (October 2017). Wolfgang lives in Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada with his wife, five kids, grandson, dog, mortgage and death.
Follow Wolfgang at www.EpicRites.org & www.WolfgangCarstens.com
Todd Cirillo is a Poet, Editor, Co-Founder of Six Ft. Swells Press, Pirate, and Lover of: After Hours Poetry, jukeboxes in seedy bars, the blues, rock & roll, Bukowski, Corso, Kerouac, free cocktails, vinyl records, beer, full moon nights, books, lust, the 10 minutes before getting kicked out of bars, in his hometown of New Orleans, LA and elsewhere.
Follow Todd at http://AfterHoursPoetry.com

Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Kimberly Ann Priest, Poet
Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Kimberly is an MFA graduate in Creative Writing from New England College, already holding an MA in English Language & Literature from Central Michigan University. A proud Michigan native, she has taught composition and creative writing courses for Central Michigan University and Alma College, and participated in local initiatives to increase awareness concerning sexual assault and domestic violence issues. Her academic and creative writing carefully observes the intersections between motherhood, domesticity, abuse, religion, sexual identity, and sexual trauma; and her poetry has appeared in several literary journals including The 3288 Review, Borderlands: The Texas Poetry Review, Storm Cellar, Temenos, Ruminate Magazineand The Berkeley Poetry Review. In 2018 her first chapbook White Goat Black Sheep will be forthcoming from Finishing Line Press. She currently teaches in Oklahoma.
Follow Kimberly at https://kimberlyann19772.wixsite.com/kimberlyannpriest

Wednesday Sep 27, 2017
Scott Silsbe
Wednesday Sep 27, 2017
Wednesday Sep 27, 2017
Scott was born in Detroit. He now lives in Pittsburgh, where he writes, makes music, and works for a used book store. His poems have appeared in numerous literary periodicals including: Third Coast, Lilliput Review, and Nerve Cowboy. He is the author of three books—Unattended Fire (Six Gallery Press, 2012), The River Underneath the City (Low Ghost Press, 2013), and Muskrat Friday Dinner (White Gorilla Press, 2017).

Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
Deesha Philyaw
Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
Deesha is a writer and editor based in Pittsburgh, PA. She is intrinsic to The Bridge Series www.facebook.com/pghbridgeseries started by Kristofer Collins and Jason Baldinger in January 2017. Deesha is the co-author of Co-Parenting 101: Helping Your Kids Thrive in Two Households After Divorce, written in collaboration with her ex-husband. Her writing has appeared in numerous outlets including The New York Times, The Washington Post, Bitch, Full Grown People, Apogee Journal, brevity, and Dead Housekeeping. Deesha’s work includes a Notable Essay in The Best American Essays 2016. At The Rumpus, Deesha inaugurated and curates a monthly interview column called VISIBLE: Women Writers of Color. She is a fellow of the Kimbilio Center for African American Fiction. She is currently working on a novel as a well as a short story collection called The Secret Lives of Church Ladies.
Follow Deesha Philyaw at https://deeshaphilyaw.contently.com/ on social media & on www.littsburgh.com

Friday Sep 22, 2017
Mugabi Byenkya, Poet, Writer & Rapper
Friday Sep 22, 2017
Friday Sep 22, 2017
Mugabi Augustine Ateenyi Olatokumbo Byenkya was born in Nigeria to Ugandan parents and has spent his life living across Africa, Asia and North America. Mugabi is a writer, poet and rapper who has honed his craft through writing workshops, poetry slams, cyphers and open mics across North America and East Africa. Mugabi was longlisted for the Babishai Niwe Poetry Award in 2015, has been featured on The Good Men Project, The Mighty and his writing is used to teach International High School English reading comprehension. His debut novel, Dear Philomena, was published in 2017, and has already been purchased by readers in six of the seven continents. Attention South American readers, find what you are missing!
Follow Mugabi Byenkya on social media, for his 2017-2018 North America tour dates & more.

Monday Sep 18, 2017
The Transformational Jennie Washburn V.2017.09
Monday Sep 18, 2017
Monday Sep 18, 2017
Each month, Jennie joins Talk With ME host, Marcia Epstein, for real life conversation. Our 9/15 conversation included: Solitude, Community, Boundaries, Communication, & Kindness to Self & Others. Jennie is a Licensed Esthetician & hosts The Goddess Within (women’s circle in Lawrence, KS) www.facebook.com/The-Goddess-Within-252751568549725/ Jennie also enjoys being onstage, including as a two-time contestant in Transformations, a charity gala. Find Jennie on Facebook & at https://skincarebyjennie.net

Friday Sep 15, 2017
Rick Stasi, Writer & Artist
Friday Sep 15, 2017
Friday Sep 15, 2017
Rick is an artist, writer, poet, voice talent, storyteller, and spoken word performer. His work is whimsical at times, but often painfully real. His writing is best described as a li’l bit Steve Allen, Dr. Seuss, Benny Hill and Dory Previn. Topics may be silly (a wee bit “stand-up-y”) morality plays, often done in different voices and dialects. He has performed in the Kansas City area at Children’s Mercy Hospital, the Uptown Arts Bar, The Writer’s Place, and Prospero’s Book Store. He has been featured on THURSDAY’S SHOWCASE a one-man, 2-hour live show, and ARTSPEAK, both on KKFI, KC’s community radio station. His books and CD’s include “Funny You Should Ask!,” “Talking To Myself, (To You!)” and “Long Story Short…”

Friday Sep 15, 2017
Heath Brougher, Poet & Editor
Friday Sep 15, 2017
Friday Sep 15, 2017
Heath is a native of York, PA and attended Temple University. He is the co-editor of Into the Void Magazine (winner of the 2017 Saboteur Award for Best Magazine) as well as a Best of the Net Nominee. Although he has been writing his entire life, he began submitting his work for publication 3 years ago, at the age of 34. Since then his work has appeared in over 450 journals in 25 countries. His work has also been translated into journals in Albania and Kosovo. Heath edited the anthology “Luminous Echoes” which raised funds for Ireland’s Pieta House, which helps prevent suicide/self-harm. http://www.pieta.ie/ He published 3 chapbooks in 2016. His first full-length book “About Consciousness” was published by Alien Buddha Press in 2017.
Heath lived like a hermit for 12 years, then decided to travel the world, sharing his poetry. He has read in England, Scotland, and many U.S. cities. When not writing, he helps with his local charity Paws Soup Kitchen giving out food for pets in low-income families.
Follow Heath Brougher on Facebook.

Thursday Sep 07, 2017
Kendall A. Bell, Poet
Thursday Sep 07, 2017
Thursday Sep 07, 2017
Kendall lives and writes in Southern New Jersey. His poetry has been recently published in Edison Literary Review and Yellow Chair Review. He was nominated for Sundress Publications’ Best of the Net collection in 2007, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2015. He is the author of twenty one chapbooks. His most recent chapbook is “We Are All Ghosts.” will be followed soon by the collection “Happiness Is A Death Blow” with poetry by Kendall A. Bell and Charles Joseph, published by Indigent Press.
Kendall A. Bell is the founder and co-editor of the online journal Chantarelle’s Notebook www.chantarellesnotebook.com, publisher/editor of Maverick Duck Press and a music and book reviewer with Five2One Magazine. His chapbooks are available through Maverick Duck Press www.maverickduckpress.com Follow Kendall at www.facebook.com/kabpoetry & www.KendallABell.com

Wednesday Sep 06, 2017
Harvest Hope with Poets Annette Billings & Diane Silver
Wednesday Sep 06, 2017
Wednesday Sep 06, 2017
Poets Annette Hope Billings & Diane Silver share and inspire hope through their writing and performances. They also provide “Harvest: A Workshop on Finding and Sustaining Hope” in the Topeka-Lawrence-Kansas City area. Through journaling, discussion, and inspirational readings from their own works, Annette and Diane lead participants through a reconsideration of the concept of hope and the role hope plays in their own lives. The workshop is suitable for people of all writings levels.
Learn more about Annette Hope Billings at Facebook.com/anetfullofhope & http://anetfullofhope.com/
Learn more about Diane Silver and the Harvest workshops at https://hopeandpolitics.wordpress.com/

Friday Sep 01, 2017
Scott Thomas Outlar, V.2017.08.31
Friday Sep 01, 2017
Friday Sep 01, 2017
Scott Thomas Outlar hosts the site 17Numa.wordpress.com where links to his published poetry, fiction, essays, interviews, reviews, and books can be found. His work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net. Scott serves as an editor for The Peregrine Muse and Novelmasters. He has been a weekly contributor on the Dissident Voice Sunday Poetry Page for the past three years. His poetry has been translated into Afrikaans, Albanian, Persian, and Italian.
In June 2017 Alien Buddha Press released Poison In Paradise, a collection of poems by Scott Thomas Outlar and photographs by Redd Focks and Jay Miner https://www.createspace.com/7260299

Tuesday Aug 29, 2017
Ronda Miller, V.2017.08.29
Tuesday Aug 29, 2017
Tuesday Aug 29, 2017
Ronda enjoys wandering the high plateau of northwest Kansas where the Arikaree Breaks whisper late into the sunset and scream into blizzards & thunderstorms. She is District President & State Vice President for Kansas Authors Club. As a life coach, she specializes in working with those who have lost someone to homicide. She also provides care for young children, specializing with those who have special needs. Ronda has poetry in numerous online and hard copy publications as well as at The Smithsonian Institute Archives. Miller’s books of poetry include “Going Home: Poems from My Life, “MoonStain”, and “WaterSigns” (Meadowlark Books, June 2017). “Gun Memories,”, a memoir, is coming soon. Ronda generously shares life experience & expertise through her work & life.
Find Ronda Miller at her Facebook group Poet’s Page for Ronda Miller, elsewhere online, or at one of the many Midwest poetry events where she is featured and/or she is enjoying the poetry of others.

Saturday Aug 26, 2017
Janet Jenkins-Stotts
Saturday Aug 26, 2017
Saturday Aug 26, 2017
Jan aka Janet Stotts aka Janet Jenkins-Stotts is a late blooming author of both poetry and prose. She published her first novel “The Orchid Garden” in 2015, and the e-book is available on Amazon. Jenkins-Stotts lives in Topeka, Kansas with Stan, her husband, and Romeo, their miniature pinscher. When not at the computer composing, she can usually be found at a bridge table. Or performing her “granny slam” at the first Friday open mic’s of Speak Easy Poets in Topeka.

Monday Aug 14, 2017
The Transformational Jennie Washburn V.2017.8
Monday Aug 14, 2017
Monday Aug 14, 2017
Each month, Jennie joins Talk With ME host, Marcia Epstein, for real life conversation. This Month: Saying Yes. Saying No. Being in the moment. Jennie is a Licensed Esthetician & a member of Spiritual Entrepreneurs, Pryor Transformation, Shift 2 Degrees, Lawrence Women’s Network, & One Hundred Good Women. She also enjoys being onstage, including as a two-time contestant in Transformations, a charity gala. Find Jennie at https://skincarebyjennie.net Find her women’s circle The Goddess Within at www.facebook.com/The-Goddess-Within-252751568549725/

Monday Aug 07, 2017
Ron Lucas, Poet
Monday Aug 07, 2017
Monday Aug 07, 2017
Ron is an autodidactic, former factory and warehouse laborer. He was born in Kendallville, IN, raised in the rural Appalachian Mountains of South Eastern, KY, and attended Morehead State University. He lives in Fort Wayne, IN and spends the harsh Midwestern winters in Atlanta, GA with his eldest child, an Emory University alumnus. Ron has been writing and drawing since childhood, and believes that Art Saves Lives. His poetry has appeared in various publications for decades. The Mother Goose Market from RD Armstrong’s Lummox Press www.LummoxPress.com is his first collection. His chapbook The Hole is included in the Punk Chapbook Series 2017 from Wolfgang Carstens’ Epic Rites Press www.EpicRites.org

Friday Aug 04, 2017
Jon Bidwell / Jon Lee Grafton, Writer
Friday Aug 04, 2017
Friday Aug 04, 2017
Jon Bidwell, aka science fiction author Jon Lee Grafton, is a native Kansan raised in Shawnee. Jon graduated from KU in 1994 with a BA in psychology, a degree that ultimately informed him that he did not want to be a psychologist. Jon chose photography instead, and has worked in both commercial and fine art photography since 1996. He moved to Tucson, AZ in 2013 to take a sabbatical and write a novel. This turned into a science fiction novel, which turned into three science fiction novels, that will now be part of the six-part series, The 18th Shadow. Jon moved back to Kansas City in 2016 to be closer to family, and currently lives in the Rosedale neighborhood with his girlfriend, Tiana, and their cat, Lebowski, “The Dude,” who does indeed abide.
The books: jonleegraftonbooks.com
The photography: https://www.instagram.com/jonbidwell/
The photography: www.zatista.com/store/index/jon-bidwell-photography
Facebook: facebook.com/jonleegraftonbooks

Wednesday Aug 02, 2017
Charles Joseph, Writer-Editor
Wednesday Aug 02, 2017
Wednesday Aug 02, 2017
Born and raised in metro New York, Charles Joseph lives and writes deep in the heart of New Jersey. Peppered by a battery of life experiences—good, great, bad, and worse—Charles is the author of NO OUTLET (a novel) that he’s currently shopping to agents and publishers, a number of poetry chapbooks that have been well received, and Chameleon (Omnibus Unum 2012-2016) a collection of poems and stories. His poems, short stories, and creative non-fiction have appeared in various literary journals and online magazines in the United States and abroad, and he is the founding editor of Indigent Press, a micro press that publishes limited-run twelve poem chapbooks for poets with unique voices.
Follow Charles Joseph to www.CharlesJosephLit.com & www.facebook.com/CharlesJosephWrites

Wednesday Aug 02, 2017
Tracey Pacheco Medeiros
Wednesday Aug 02, 2017
Wednesday Aug 02, 2017
Tracey is living proof that a person who has attempted suicide can change, heal, recover and live a life very much worth living. For the past 7 years, Tracey has been working in a community health care agency in southeastern MA as a Certified Peer Specialist. The people she listens to and advocates for are people with substance abuse and mental illness. She also serves as one of the adult helpers at her local teen center. She is a trainer of several suicide prevention and bereavement support programs. And she loves motorcycle riding!
In April 2017 Tracey was awarded 3rd prize in the annual Paul G. Quinnett Lived Experience Writing Contest of the American Association of Suicidology. That month she also released her first book, or written conversation as she calls it, Embracing Imperfection: The Healing Journey of a Suicide Attempt Survivor, available on Amazon.
Follow Tracey Pacheco Medeiros on Twitter @TraceyMedeiros2

Wednesday Jul 26, 2017
Jennifer Johnson, Author
Wednesday Jul 26, 2017
Wednesday Jul 26, 2017
Jennifer is a woman who has decided to be happy. She recognizes she has the power to make happiness a reality on a consistent basis. In her book Grow Your Best Life: It’s An Inside Job, she passes that wisdom on to her readers.
Through two careers: Speech Pathology, then Training and Staff Development in the corporate world; Jennifer developed the gardening analogy that is the foundation of Grow Your Best Life. Now that she is no longer in the corporate world, her career is writing. Grow Your Best Life was published in 2017 by Balboa Press, a division of Hay House, and is available at www.balboapress.com/Bookstore as well as major online booksellers.
Enjoy more of Jennifer Johnson’s easy to digest wisdom at Jennifer Johnson Author www.facebook.com/GrowYourBestLife

Tuesday Jul 25, 2017
Z. Hall, Scholar, Poet, Artist
Tuesday Jul 25, 2017
Tuesday Jul 25, 2017
Dr. Z. Hall is an independent scholar, curator, a poet, and emerging visual artist who lives and works in Kansas City, MO. She conducts research on art and communication. Her published work explores the effects of art on society and society’s influence on art. Her interest in art and microbes collide at the intersection of organic growing and the process of bioavailability of nutrients to the body. Hall is an organic grower who grows much of her own food, preserves what she grows, and composts—closing the loop in the plant, grow, regenerate, and replenish cycle. Hall teaches workshops on food and beverage preservation: freezing, dehydrating, canning, and fermenting.Hall marked her curatorial debut in July and August 2017, with Foundations: Fostering a Better World. Info at http://www.decadeoflight.org/programs/foundations
Since 2014, Hall has curated and produced the event Salon~360, which brings artist, scholars, activists and the general public together in dialogue on society’s most pressing issues; how art interrogates these issues; how art can function to transcend them. Info at www.facebook.com/groups/Salon360

Monday Jul 24, 2017
Jeanetta Calhoun Mish, Practicing Poet
Monday Jul 24, 2017
Monday Jul 24, 2017
Jeanetta is the 2017-18 Oklahoma State Poet Laureate. Her most recent books are What I Learned at the War, a poetry collection (West End Press, 2016) and Oklahomeland: Essays (Lamar University Press, 2015). Her 2009 poetry collection, Work Is Love Made Visible (West End Press) won an Oklahoma Book Award, a Wrangler Award, and the WILLA Award from Women Writing the West. Dr. Mish is also Director of The Red Earth Creative Writing MFA at Oklahoma City University where she also serves as advisor to Red Earth Review and as a faculty mentor in writing pedagogy, professional writing, and the craft of poetry.
Follow Jeanetta Calhoun Mish at www.TongueTiedWoman.com

Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Robert Walicki, Pittsburgh PA Poet-Curator
Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Robert “Bob” Walicki constructs poetry, poetic events, community, and plumbing in Pittsburgh, PA. He curates the Versify Poetry Series. His poetry has appeared, or is forthcoming, in a number of journals including Vox Populi and The Kentucky Review. A Pushcart nominee, his most recent chapbook, The Almost Sound of Snow Falling (Night Ballet Press, 2015), was nominated to the 2016 New York Showcase of Books at The Poet’s House in NY.
Follow Robert Walicki’s poetic work at https://www.facebook.com/Robert-Walicki-1961568937400784/ & Versify Reading Series at https://www.facebook.com/getversified/

Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
The Transformational Jennie Washburn V.2017.7
Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Each month, the Transformational Jennie Washburn joins Talk With ME host, Marcia Epstein, for real life conversation. This Month: Celebrate Cultures and Community. Many opportunities are shared! Jennie is a Licensed Esthetician & a member of Spiritual Entrepreneurs, Pryor Transformation, Shift 2 Degrees, Lawrence Women’s Network, & One Hundred Good Women. She also enjoys being onstage, including as a two-time contestant in Transformations, a charity gala. Find Jennie at https://skincarebyjennie.net

Wednesday Jul 12, 2017
Chris Conner, Sociologist on LGBT+ Experience
Wednesday Jul 12, 2017
Wednesday Jul 12, 2017
Chris is a professor of sociology at Washburn University. His work explores what it means to be an LGBT+ person in an era of heightened visibility. He has been a contributing author to VItal Voice, Camp KC, and QVegas magazine. He is completing an article on Grindr, and a book project on the electronic dance music subculture.
Follow Chris Conner’s work at https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=eVwGqiQAAAAJ&hl=en

Monday Jul 10, 2017
MsAmandaLove / Nathan Stitt, Drag Queen
Monday Jul 10, 2017
Monday Jul 10, 2017
MsAmanda Love is the big, bright, beautiful, and boozy comedy queen from Lawrence, KS. She has been building her drag career all over Kansas and the surrounding states for the last 5 years. Known for her crazy comedy mixes, naughty parody’s, and colorfully loud costumes, makeup, and hair, MsAmanda will make you laugh, cry, and go home happy.
The weekly “MsAmanda Presents Thirsty Thursday” drag show and dance parties are a weekly open and inclusive LGBTQI night at The Jazzhaus in Downtown Lawrence, KS every Thursday. Each week is represented with a different style and title: 1st Thursday Bangerz Ball, 2nd Thursday (Drag King) Novacayne’s Panty Party, 3rd Thursday $#!+ Show, and Final Thursday Showcase Showdown, where everyone is a winner and performers sign up that evening.
Even if you can’t find MsAmanda Love on FB, you can still find Thirsty Thursday events at The Jazzhaus of Lawrence www.facebook.com/pg/jazzhaus

Thursday Jul 06, 2017
Jason Keezer & John Robison & Guild Theater
Thursday Jul 06, 2017
Thursday Jul 06, 2017
Jason is a licensed Addiction Counselor and Clinical Social Worker, the artist of Keezograms www.facebook.com/keezograms, and a member of the Guild Theater.
John is the Artistic Director of the Guild Theater. Besides heat vision, his other super power is using his 16 years of improv experience and 33 years of theater experience to bring the best in theatrical instruction, comedy, and entertainment to the people. Past careers include high school teacher, donut maker, hypnotist and newspaper reporter. Find his book “Improv For Everybody”on Amazon. He ashamedly enjoys reality TV, has seen exactly 14 movies in his entire life, and is painfully single, an experience made more painful by his two amazing and loving children. Lawrence, KS has been his home for the past five years, and he can often be seen wandering through natural areas gawking at birds.
The Guild Theater – Lawrence, KS is the home of improv classes, rehearsals, and performances of The Lawrence Improv Guild www.facebook.com/LawrenceGuildTheater